Tummy Tuck in Baltimore, MD

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What is a Tummy Tuck?

For women and men alike, sagging skin and excess fat in the abdomen can be frustrating despite attempts to lose it. Pregnancy, weight loss, and aging are the most common reasons why an individual may not be able to attain a slim and tight abdomen. A tummy tuck is a body contouring treatment that reshapes the abdominal region, producing extraordinary results for patients. Baltimore, MD plastic surgeon Dr. Ben Schultz, ABPS Certified, performs abdominoplasty surgery that is tailored to the patient's needs. This cosmetic treatment allows men and women the opportunity to have a toned, tighter abdomen and renewed confidence. Read more about how abdominoplasty can eliminate excess skin and fat while also tightening the ab muscles before contacting us for your consultation.

What Are the Benefits of Tummy Tuck Surgery?

A tummy tuck is a great surgical treatment for individuals in the Baltimore, MD area who want to remove stomach fat, gain a slimmer look, and improve their fitness. This procedure performed at Ben Schultz, M.D. allows for a few of these advantages:

  • Reduces excess fat cells and skin from the abdomen
  • Strengthens the muscles in the abdomen
  • Gives you a trimmer look
  • Strengthens spine support, stability, and flexibility
  • Could relieve back pain
  • Can treat hernia symptoms and bladder leakage
  • Helps stabilize the entire spine
  • Allows you to get to an optimal weight

Who is a Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

A consultation with Dr. Schultz is the best way to determine your eligibility for a tummy tuck. Ideal candidates are in good general health and have realistic expectations about the recovery process and results. Our team can review your medical history and conduct a physical examination before making any recommendations. Patients should understand that tummy tuck surgery is not a comprehensive weight-loss solution or an alternative to exercising and a proper diet. We suggest being at a stable weight for at least six months to a year before considering surgery.

How is a tummy tuck performed?

Tummy tuck surgery is performed with the patient under general anesthesia. Various techniques come into consideration when this surgery is performed by Dr. Schultz, which is customized according to the patient's needs. For starters, the incision length is chosen based on the quantity of excess skin. Some individuals with an abundance of sagging skin might benefit best from an extended tummy tuck. This abdominoplasty technique places the incision from hip to hip, just above the pubic zone. Other patients who have minimal skin looseness may be better suited for a mini tummy tuck. These individuals still benefit from skin tightening but will simply receive a smaller scar. Regardless of how it is performed, all abdominoplasty procedures involve the excision of hanging skin and fat removal.

Tummy Tuck FAQs

Is tummy tuck surgery safe?

Like all cosmetic procedures, there are some risks associated with tummy tuck surgery. However, our skilled staff has performed countless successful procedures and takes every necessary precaution to ensure your safety and comfort. We will thoroughly review all risks and benefits with you and answer any questions you may have beforehand.

How do I prepare for a tummy tuck?

Dr. Schultz can provide specific guidance on how to prepare for your tummy tuck during a consultation. In general, we recommend eating a healthy diet and avoiding any smoking or drinking before surgery. You should also arrange for someone to drive you home and stay with you for at least the first 24 hours afterward. Additionally, it is important to have all prescriptions filled in advance.

Do tummy tuck results look natural?

Our team takes great care to ensure all tummy tuck results in Baltimore, MD look as natural as possible. This includes using the latest surgical techniques and tools in the industry. While some scarring is inevitable, we work hard to minimize the appearance of any incisions and offer advice on how to care for them post-surgery.

Discover more about Tummy Tucks

Many factors can lead to a stretched-out stomach that creates loose skin. We know it can be a daily struggle — an abdominoplasty is usually the primary way to overcome this. If you are bothered by the hanging skin in your abdomen, whether it is significant or not, surgical body contouring by Dr. Schultz in Baltimore, MD, can help you get the look you want. Please contact our state-of-the-art facility to learn more.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.