Earlobe Repair in Baltimore, MD

22 Procedures ( View All )

What is Earlobe Repair?

Earlobes can become damaged or torn for a number of reasons, including because of heavy earrings, an injury, or gauges. This can cause you to feel embarrassed or self-conscious about the look of your ears. If you are experiencing torn/damaged earlobes, Dr. Ben Schultz, ABPS Certified, and his team can provide effective earlobe repair in Baltimore, MD. After a thorough consultation, Dr. Schultz will create a personalized treatment plan to help you achieve the best possible results. Learn more by contacting our state-of-the-art facility to schedule your initial consultation.

What Can I Expect During Earlobe Repair?

Depending on the severity of your earlobe tear, Dr. Schultz will identify the appropriate treatment technique specifically for you. Most often, the entire treatment process lasts anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour to complete. A local anesthetic will be provided to help you remain comfortable, and a tiny incision will be made within the tissue of the ear. Any damaged areas will then be removed, and the incision will be carefully closed with sutures. Eliminating any damaged tissue from the ear can encourage new healthy tissue to develop. Sutures will need to be removed in about a week, and you can generally receive a new piercing in your ear within 6 – 8 weeks.

Rejuvenate Your Ears

If you are feeling self-conscious about torn or damaged earlobes or are wanting to wear earrings again, earlobe repair may be ideal for you. At our Baltimore, MD facility, Dr. Schultz can create an appropriate treatment plan to help you get your desired results. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.