Laser Skin Resurfacing in Baltimore, MD

22 Procedures ( View All )

What is Laser Skin Resurfacing?

Laser skin resurfacing at Ben Schultz, M.D., ABPS Certified, is a non-surgical aesthetic procedure that uses pulsating beams of energy to exfoliate damaged surface skin layers. The treatment is performed for correcting facial wrinkles and lines and for minimizing skin flaws such as acne scars, pigmentation, and other flaws. Also referred to as a laser peel, fractional skin resurfacing is a great facial treatment for patients who want softer, clearer, younger-looking skin. Depending on the needs of the skin type, the treatment may be customized accordingly. There is some downtime required with most laser skin resurfacing procedures. Any questions or concerns may be discussed with our team in Baltimore, MD, during the assessment and consultation.

Ablative Laser Treatments

Our Baltimore, MD facility offers ablative laser treatments. Ablative lasers treat thin skin layers, like dermabrasion or a deep chemical peel, with a high level of control that permits the technician to avoid damage to the skin. Ablative lasers are best for firming the skin as well as treating acne scars and wrinkles.

How is Laser Skin Resurfacing performed?

If you are scheduled for a more intense or deeper laser resurfacing session, you may be asked to use a topical retinoid for 2 – 3 weeks before your laser procedure. This helps prep the skin for better results. Medication will be suggested prior to the procedure to help lessen any sensation so you can relax during your appointment. If your complexion needs mild improvement, a topical anesthetic may be used to numb certain areas of the face. For the whole complexion or more intense laser procedures, a kind of sedation may be required. Throughout the procedure, you will relax in our special treatment chair while the laser passes over your skin, directly targeting the specific sections for rejuvenation. You may feel the warmth from the laser followed by cold air from the built-in cooling system. The laser works to remove dead and damaged skin cells while also stimulating new collagen production.

A Softer, Clearer Complexion

Laser skin resurfacing sessions offer amazing outcomes if you are looking to get a younger-looking appearance. If you are considering a laser treatment and want to learn more about its benefits, as well as additional nonsurgical procedures at our Baltimore, MD, location, we encourage you to contact us today to schedule your consultation.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.