Arm Lift in Baltimore, MD

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About Arm Lift Surgery

A frustrating side effect of losing weight or getting older is dealing with loose skin. At our Baltimore, MD facility, Dr. Ben Schultz, ABPS Certified, offers arm lift surgery (or brachioplasty) as an option for people who cannot seem to tighten and tone their arms through exercise and diet. Lax skin from the elbow to the shoulder is very common, particularly for people who are advancing in age or have lost weight. Arm lift surgery effectively excises this loose, hanging skin, commonly called "bat wings." Dr. Schultz is very experienced in skin tightening and fat removal surgeries. If you would like to hear more information about how brachioplasty can enhance the appearance of your upper arms, please contact us for a consultation.

How is an arm lift performed?

In most cases, your upper arm lift surgery will take place in an outpatient setting. An arm lift can be done with other procedures, including a mommy makeover, tummy tuck, or thigh lift — if Dr. Schultz considers it safe. Arm lift surgery is usually done with the patient under general anesthesia and may take a few hours to complete. The excess skin will be surgically excised starting at the elbow up to the armpit. The incision will be placed as inconspicuously as possible, although it will most likely leave a visible scar. If liposuction is needed to remove stubborn fat, this can be performed as well. After the skin is pulled taut, it will be sutured together. You will have to care for the incisions by keeping them sanitized, covered, and wrapped with compression garments. Our team will also provide any necessary aftercare instructions.

Get Back Your Shape

No matter what you call your "bat wings" or droopy skin under your arms, Dr. Schultz sees it as an opportunity to change your life with cosmetic surgery. This innovative surgery offers emotional and physical benefits as well. You'll be able to wear those sleeveless tops you've been avoiding! If you're at or close to your goal weight and still cannot eliminate the skin and flab that hangs from your upper arms, please call to schedule a private consultation. Look and feel fitter and younger with upper arm lift surgery.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.