Struggling to Shrink Your Love Handles? HD LipoCan Help!
HD Liposuction is a unique liposuction procedure that produces impressive results to help you burn those fat deposits you’ve been struggling to remove. You may qualify for HD Liposuction if you are generally healthy and not too far from your ideal body weight. Dr. Ben Schultz can help you with this procedure in Baltimore, MD.
What makes HD Liposuction different from regular liposuction?
HD Liposuction is different from traditional liposuction in that the HD process is minimally invasive. It uses an advanced system to loosen fat cells from healthy tissues, making it easier for those cells to be cleared out of your body.
The HD or High-Definition Lipo process uses ultrasound-assisted devices (VASER) that works around the area with the fat deposits you’re trying to remove. The ultrasound loosens the fat from the surrounding tissues, and it damages the compounds in the fat cells that keep them in place. The procedure is efficient, as it takes about 2 – 3 hours to complete in most situations.
You can expect to spend about a week of rest following the procedure, although you may be able to get back to some activities before that first week ends. Dr. Schultz can discuss how you’re going to recover beforehand to help you prepare for the work. It also takes about 6 months for the swelling and inflammation to subside, so you won’t have to wait too long to make this work for you.
This is a very low-risk procedure with a more effective approach to liposuction that can enhance your outcomes.
Is this procedure useful for all patients?
If you're looking for a safe, proven way to achieve your body contouring goals, Dr. Ben Schultz can help deliver these results using these advanced techniques. But HD Lipo is not for everyone, as it is best for people who are healthy and have a reasonable amount of fat that needs removing.
Like with any other liposuction process, HD Lipo works best for patients who are close to their ideal body weights and struggle to get off that stubborn fat. It is for those who are healthy and have undergone a healthy diet and exercise routine. The practice resolves various problems surrounding fat deposits you might have struggled to burn off yourself.
People who are healthy will have an easier time recovering from the liposuction process.
Contact us today to learn more about HD Liposuction in Baltimore, MD
Dr. Ben Schultz in Baltimore, MD is available to serve your liposuction needs. HD Lipo an exciting procedure that produces results different from what you might find elsewhere. Contact Ben Schultz, M.D. for help reaching all of your aesthetic goals.