How Long Can Dysport® Last In the Forehead?
When it comes to injectable wrinkle relaxers, BOTOX is a household name — and for good reason. There's no denying the stunning results that can be achieved with BOTOX injections. However, BOTOX is not the only option for smoothing out facial lines and wrinkles. Not only that, but many patients find that Dysport, a popular alternative to BOTOX, provides a key benefit: longer-lasting results. While BOTOX typically lasts about three months, many patients are able to go up to four months or longer between Dysport injections — which often makes Dysport a more attractive, convenient, and potentially more affordable solution in the long run. At Ben Schultz, M.D. in Baltimore, MD, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ben Schultz prefers Dysport over BOTOX for a number of reasons, including its longevity. Keep reading to learn more about how long Dysport injections can last and what additional advantages Dysport may boast over other wrinkle relaxers.
Is Dysport the same as BOTOX?
While BOTOX and Dysport both contain botulinum toxin and work to smooth out dynamic lines and wrinkles — meaning those that have become etched into the face as a result of years' worth of expressions and muscle movements — the formulation, application, and other aspects of each of these popular wrinkle relaxers are unique.
What wrinkles can be treated with Dysport?
Dysport is designed specifically for treating dynamic lines on the forehead, just between the brows, known as glabellar lines. These stubborn vertical lines are commonly referred to as "1, 11, or 111" lines due to their visual similarity to the respective numbers. Although Dysport is perhaps most popular for its ability to produce dramatic and strikingly natural-looking results by smoothing out glabellar and forehead lines, many types of dynamic lines and wrinkles can be treated with Dysport, including:
- Brow lines
- Forehead lines
- Lines between the brows
- Frown lines
- Smile lines
- Crow's feet
How soon does Dysport start working in the forehead?
Another key advantage of Dysport compared to BOTOX is its quick onset. Unlike BOTOX, which can take upward of a week to become fully effective, most patients enjoy visible results as soon as 1 – 3 days after Dysport injections, which can continue to improve over the first week.
How long does Dysport last for 11 lines?
For most dynamic lines and wrinkles, including forehead lines, Dysport often produces results that last for up to four months or longer. This allows patients to visit the office fewer times per year (compared with the number of visits that may be required when another injectable is used) and still maintain a consistently smooth, fresh, youthful look.
How do I decide between BOTOX vs. Dysport?
There are several things to consider when choosing between BOTOX and Dysport, including your personal preferences, your body's unique response to each product, any allergies or intolerances you may have, and others. Prior to treatment, Dr. Schultz or one of our certified aesthetic injectors will perform a thorough consultation and assessment to help you better understand why Dysport may be a suitable and even superior choice for achieving your ultimate goals.
Keep forehead wrinkles away for longer with Dysport injections in Baltimore, MD
When you invest in your appearance, you deserve to love your look for as long as possible — and Dysport may be the answer you've been searching for to keep your stubborn forehead lines away for longer. If you're tired of redoing your injectables every 2 – 3 months and want to explore the possibility of switching to Dysport — or if you're just starting in your injectable journey — don't hesitate to call our knowledge team at Ben Schultz, M.D. to schedule your Baltimore, MD Dysport consultation with one of our certified cosmetic injectors, under the direction of board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ben Schultz, today.