Can I Exercise While Doing HD Liposuction Treatments?
Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that removes small but unwanted fat deposits from the body. Many people choose to undergo HD (high-definition) liposuction to improve their appearance and confidence, but it's important to know when it's safe to exercise again after undergoing treatment at Ben Schultz, M.D.
Below, Dr. Benjamin D. Schultz discusses recovery after HD lipo in more detail and provides advice on how to return to your regular workout routines. Contact our body sculpting team in Baltimore, MD and see how we can help you achieve your ideal shape through safe and minimally invasive methods.
How is HD liposuction performed?
Fat pockets tend to accumulate due to factors like age, pregnancy, and hormone changes. Unfortunately, stubborn fat deposits can be challenging to target through diet and exercise alone.
High-definition liposuction is an outpatient treatment that involves loosening and melting excess fat through ultrasound-assisted technology. The fat is then carefully removed using a special suctioning device. Patients enjoy a sculpted appearance with fewer risks, side effects, and recovery time compared to traditional liposuction.
Recovering from HD liposuction
Most patients report excellent results and a speedy recovery after undergoing HD lipo. Our professionals at Ben Schultz, M.D. provide detailed post-operative instructions, so you can heal quickly and safely. Recovery generally lasts 5 – 10 days based on the number of areas treated and the volume of fat removed.
Patients should take it easy because side effects like bruising, swelling, and soreness are common after body sculpting. Dr. Schultz can recommend a prescription or over-the-counter medications that manage any discomfort. Methods like cool packs and sleeping in an elevated position may also reduce swelling.
When to start exercising after HD liposuction
It's generally safe to start moving around one or two days after high-definition liposuction. Start with light stretches and walking around the house. Patients in Baltimore, MD can gradually increase their movements as they feel comfortable. Do not engage in strenuous exercises that place stress on the body during this time.
Most people return to a regular exercise routine after 2 – 3 weeks, but this timeline varies based on the individual. Listening to your body is crucial during liposuction recovery and make sure to stop when you feel tired or in pain. Call Dr. Schultz immediately if you feel excess pain or experience side effects that won't dissipate over time.
What kind of exercises can I do after HD liposuction?
Light stretching and walking are ideal exercises right after high-definition liposuction. As time passes, yoga is an excellent low-impact option that can be performed in the comfort of your home. It can also improve flexibility and strength without putting too much strain on the body.
Once you feel better, you can add cardio, running, biking, and weight lifting back into your workout routine. Dr. Schultz can clear you for certain exercises during a follow-up appointment.
Learn what to expect during liposuction recovery
Even small fat deposits significantly impact your appearance and self-confidence. Dr. Benjamin D. Schultz can help provide the sleek and slender silhouette you desire with fewer risks than traditional liposuction.
Learn more about high-definition liposuction and other cutting-edge cosmetic treatments by calling Ben Schultz, M.D. for a body sculpting consultation in Baltimore, MD. Our professionals will evaluate your needs and recommend the best possible treatment plan moving forward.